Bringing Hope Through Healthcare Missions

We make it possible for healthcare providers to serve in the most underserved areas on earth, and we train national healthcare workers to pass on the gift of hope and healing.

Our Mission

In partnership with key Christian ministries, our mission is to strategically fund qualified healthcare professionals to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world.

Our Vision

To reach the world with compassionate care and the love of Christ by empowering committed, Christ-following healthcare professionals to minister and effectively care for those in the least served areas of the world.

Stories of Hope

Moral Injury and Endurance on the Mission Field

Imagine you’ve only practiced medicine in the United State and you’re going to a place where you’re the only medical professional available in the community. The demand is unending. The line of people waiting to see you goes on as far as the eye can see. You realize that these people are sick...

Medicine is Powerful

Jim Ritchie, MD, Senior Vice President over MedSend’s Longevity Project, spent 25 years as an emergency medicine doctor in the Navy before retiring and answering the call to be a medical missionary on the continent of Africa. He has practiced medicine in war zones and on the mission field and is acutely aware of what our Grant Recipients and National Scholars face as they practice compassionate healthcare in low-resource environments. 

Choosing Between Moral Injury and Burnout

Recently, MedSend sponsored The Healthcare Member Care Leadership Summit where we invited the leaders of the member care departments of our largest healthcare mission sending agency partners to discuss innovative ways to address the challenges healthcare missionaries are facing.

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